Exiting Teenage

Kairav Acharya
3 min readJan 29, 2021

In today’s generation, kids are excited to become an adult, but they often forget that with becoming an adult, they are exiting their teenage. Their life is about to take a drastic turn as they will meet their responsibilities. The things they learned till now will be applied in real life situations and their abilities will be tested every day.

Some of their dreams might fade away, some might become a reality. The goals they had will now have a deadline and a path full of obstacles ready to test their skills and bring out the best in them. This race has the ability to change their perception of the world as a boy who was once an average would achieve great things while the class topper might fail at the test of life.

While planning to achieve the goal one must also plan for failure. What if they fail? Always remember failure is not the end. All it does is motivate us to achieve our goal in a better way, more efficient way. No school teaches about failure and how to deal with it. One should learn from failure and rise again to achieve success.

One of the major problems faced by today’s generation is Anxiety. It is a common problem but one must learn to deal with it. Anxiety can easily affect our performance as it decreases our efficiency. You become nervous, your heart rate increases and you start sweating when you feel anxious.

In this period of life you will get an urge to start earning as your parents who were once young now seem to be getting old. The feeling that you want to do something to make their lives a little bit easy will drive you and motivate you. People try to start a new business but always remember that a job can also help you get a momentum in your life.

There might be pressure from your parents to do something with your life but that is only because they are worried for you. They want the best for their child. In this process, they sometime forget that their child might be fighting his/her own battle of life as they have a lot to figure out about what they want to be and where would they like to go with their life.

The friends you thought who will be forever in your life might become distant and someone you would have never thought of will become your best friend. “To grow, you have to let go”, that is the harsh rule of life. Learn to accept changes and adapt.

If you are a teenager who is about to enter adulthood, you are in for a lot of surprises, but it will help you grow and find a purpose for your life. Life has endless possibilities and what you make out of it is in your hands. Take risks while you still can, once this phase is over, you will surely enjoy the memories when you look back at it.

As you will go further in your life, you will learn from your experiences. The mistakes that you made when you were young has made you a wise and hardworking man that you are today. A mistake or a failure is not the end of life, there are always other ways to grow further. Adulthood can be amazing and the best time of one’s life if they make the right choices at the right time.

